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Miami Shark Tours

As the name would suggest, this place is conveniently located in Miami, but also offers tours around Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, and the Florida Keys. They specialize in cage dives and tend to do a pretty good job at picking out shark hot spots all over the Florida coastline. Another great thing about Miami Shark Tours is just how accommodating they are towards total novices; if you’ve never tried cage diving before, then Miami Shark Tours is a good pick. Check out their current prices at their official website.


Calypso Dive Charters

Calypso Dive Charters mostly deals in snorkeling and scuba trips with sharks. Their dives usually run twice a day at Riviera Beach, where clear waters make for great visibility. This is also a particularly good spot to see hammerheads. Calypso’s tours also score big points for their small group sizes, which helps keep things from seeming crowded. Groups do, however, require a minimum of four people to make a reservation. Find out more here.


South Beach Divers

Aimed squarely at serious divers, South Beach Divers has a great location and offers even better service. With a bit of a reputation around South Beach as the diving pros, these guys don’t mess around and organize expert-level custom trips. Along with sharks, they also do wreck dives. For novices, they also do regular snorkeling trips to the John Pennekamp Marine Sanctuary. Head over to their website for more information.


Florida Shark Diving

Unlike the previous options, Florida Shark Diving is based a little way out from Miami. Located in Jupiter, they offer tours in various locations throughout Florida. While they have a number of good package offers, they also do custom trips and are quite flexible in terms of diver needs. For anyone who isn’t eager to jump in the water with a man-eater, then consider taking advantage of one of Florida Shark Diving’s shark viewing tours. Find out more here.


Sea Dreams Scuba

Proprietor Tim and his team go above and beyond in terms of customer service, and it shows; their Yelp page is overflowing with divers delighted by their attention to detail. They offer a range of diving options, along with classes for beginners and experts alike. See their current offerings over at their website.


Shark Addicts

True to their name, the team at Shark Addicts really do seem hooked on sharks. Part preservation activists, part divers, Shark Addicts is all about respecting the animals you’re about to jump in the water with. Their four-hour snorkeling trips are some of the best in Florida though and bring you nose-to-nose with the sharks. Unlike others on this list though, Shark Addicts are a little cagey about you bringing along your own video camera /Go-Pro. They do, however, offer their own filming services. Find out more at their website.

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